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You're Uniquely You

God created all people in his image and each person he created is uniquely themselves. Not one alike, all very different.

Differences are not bad, they actually are great. The world wouldn’t go round if we all just stayed exactly the same. We need our people, people to teach us what we do not know. Good or bad our experiences shape our whole world view.

The places you go, the people you meet you’ve heard these words yet they can’t be more than complete.

Nothing you read becomes a reality until you step foot into the real side of the parity.

The diversity of this world is a result of each human being striving for what they believe is the best way or right way of life.

Given our free will and different personalities each step we take begins to shape who we become.

Without God the process of becoming can be scary, but with God no matter the differences in this world he calls us to become more like him.

With obvious brokenness in this world and no real answer to unity, we must embrace our differences and let the spirit of God work within us.

When Jesus died on the cross for all of our sins and rose again he gave us two things. The first one is that all our sins are forgiven and washed away by his blood. The second is that we now have new life in him.

God made you uniquely you along with all the crazy, weird, fun, and quirky things. He doesn’t want you to get rid of those things, rather he wants you to embrace them and live freely knowing that your life is now his.

All that he has put into it and taught you should now be used to bring our God of the universe glory. To prove he’s real, to demonstrate his love.

Therefore, let’s stand together as the body of Christ and embrace all of our differences. Let us glorify God the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit. Let us acknowledge all that has been done for us out of love and strive to surrender more for what needs to be done.

Prayer: Jesus thank you for forgiving my sins and giving me the opportunity to have new life with you. Without your example I always get lost, lost in the ways of this world. I ask that you would bring me closer to you and help people in every nation do the same. Use us, oh God, to bring glory and honor to your name. Amen.

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